• +91-9911037012
  • vanacharfoundation@gmail.com

Vanachar Welfare of Flora and Fauna Foundation is dedicated towards the welfare of endangered species and conduct afforestation drive.

Who We Are?

We are a charitable wildlife welfare organization working for the welfare of endangered species both flora and fauna of Indian origin. Vanachar is established by a small group of corporate individuals inspired to do something for mother nature and towards the common good of the environment.

Our Mission

The greatness of a nation is measured by the way animals are treated in country. Our aim is to use knowledge to improve the welfare of animals. We work with goal to save animals and make their lives better. From rescuing animals to reduce sufferings is all that we work for environment and biodiversity conservation.
Urgent Causes

Save wildlife &
Save the World

Every creature is designed to serve a purpose. Covering animal welfare and keeping care for the animals is our compassion. Share a passionate commitment to conservation of animals by joining our team. Build sympathy towards all the creatures.

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About Goral

The gorals are four species with a goat-like or antelope-like appearance. Gorillas are intelligent and charismatic. Physical features: -Gorillas have a distinctive shape in that their stomachs are larger than their chests. Their stomach size is attributed

About Red Panda

Red pandas have a bear-like body with thick russet fur. It is reddish brown with a very thick ringed tail. The belly and limbs are black and there are white markings on the side of the head and above the small eyes

About Slow Loris

Slow Loris is a group of several species of nocturnal strepsirrhine primates. They are mammals of the order and known as Prosimian – which also includes lemurs, bushbabies, and tarsiers

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